I have talked before on this blog about Ancient Greek festivals... and I just went to my own local, 18th Annual Greek Festival hosted by our very own St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church~ http://www.stnicholasgreekfest.com This was actually my third time attending a Greek Fest. I went to two last year. LOVE THEM!
As I walked into the festival, joining a throng of revelers, I couldn't help but imagine stepping leather sandal bound feet onto the ancient stone-paved plateia and agora in a Greek coastal town. The authentic music danced in and out of my ears, lifting my already elevated spirits. Laughter and smiles criss-crossed the crowded tent, braided tightly with threads of interesting conversation.
I found a seat near the open-ended area of the tent, eagerly anticipating the show I knew was coming. Then I was delightfully entertained by a group of Greek youngsters dancing traditional dances.
All in all I had a great time. And, I look forward to going to more this year if I can!
Σας ευχαριστώ (I Thank You!)